Lawyer Fees


Lawyer Fees

We’re proud to do things differently!

Fair and competitive fees

We understand that appointing a legal representative can be daunting. However, dealing with complex legal matters without a lawyer is not an option. That’s why at Banga Legal we have a client-centric approach and believe in fair and transparent fees. Where other firms charge by time, we are proudly different. Banga Legal offers two different pricing structures depending on the scope of your requirements.

Fixed Legal Fees For Local Court Sentences and Traffic Hearings

With a fixed price approach, our clients know exactly what they’re getting and what it will cost. No estimates. No ranges. No hourly rates. We believe that excellent, professional and experienced legal advice should be accessible and fair.

Custom Tailored Legal Packages For More Complex Matters

Our Tailored Legal Packages are a service that is suited to the needs of your matter. This approach involves a constructive consultation with you, where we are able to create a pricing package that is suited to your matter and financial requirements.

Practice Areas

We Serve The Best Service

Need an expert Sydney, Melbourne or Gold Coast lawyer right now?


Four Steps To Your Success

Banga Legal provides you the confidence of knowing that your guidance comes from the very best Sydney and Melbourne Lawyer. 


Speak To Us

Chat to us about how we can assist with your legal dilemmas. We pick up where the others cannot.


We will discuss your desired outcome and formulate the best way in helping acheieve the set goals.




This is where we will put the strategy in motion. Act on the formula and drive your matter to success, using both litigation and out of court alternatives were applicable.


When you walk away knowing that you obtained the best possible outcome for your case.