Litigation Lawyers


Litigation Lawyers Who Work With You

We strive to resolve issues for our customers as quickly as possible using the vast knowledge of our litigation experts.

If at all possible, the litigation attorneys on our team work to successfully resolve issues out of court. We achieve this by putting conflict management techniques like private negotiation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) into practise. These tactics are designed to help you accomplish your goals by compensating you for your loss while taking the business reality of your claim into account.

For the majority of clients, settling on a decision you can live with makes more sense and is more practical, whilst for others, court-based litigation may be necessary. When litigation is necessary, our team is equipped to advocate for you in court and vigorously pursue your claim.

Various court procedures will provide you the chance to mediate your conflict. It is crucial to have a dispute resolution attorney who has experience negotiating settlements. ADR techniques like mediation and conciliation help shorten and cost-cut disputes.

If your case goes to trial, our litigators are skilled at putting together well-organised cases with the right materials. To offer their expertise, we have access to a number of barristers who are chosen based on their experience.

Other conflicts can call for expert testimony to support your arguments. We make sure that your topic is given due study and case management in order to portray it in the best light possible.

  • Highly qualified Sydney traffic law experts
  • Professional and efficient service
  • Individual, understanding and personal attention
  • A dedicated single point of contact for the duration of your case
  • Cost-effective legal solutions
  • Complete confidentiality


For those needing language support, we are able to manage your Family law matter in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu and Greek. For more information on family law please do not hesitate to contact us.

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We Serve The Best Service

Need an expert Sydney, Melbourne or Gold Coast lawyer right now?


Four Steps To Your Success

Banga Legal provides you the confidence of knowing that your guidance comes from the very best Sydney and Melbourne Lawyer. 


Speak To Us

Chat to us about how we can assist with your legal dilemmas. We pick up where the others cannot.


We will discuss your desired outcome and formulate the best way in helping acheieve the set goals.




This is where we will put the strategy in motion. Act on the formula and drive your matter to success, using both litigation and out of court alternatives were applicable.


When you walk away knowing that you obtained the best possible outcome for your case.