Meet Samir Banga



Director and Principal Solicitor

Over the span of my career, I have handled a number of high profile matters in various courts around Australia. I conduct my own hearings and sentences based on your interests. I have also instructed counsel in complex matters, both Junior Counsel (JC) and Senior Counsel (SC). This experience and expertise means you receive expert legal advice and a court room advocate that is able to express your views directly in court. This experience also guides the advice given to you as our client, simply put, real world expertise and experience. We know this sets us apart from other law firms offering similar services. At Banga Legal we have established offices in both Sydney and Melbourne, however, our modern technological approach means greater reach and the ability for our firm to cover interstate matters.

Our transparent approach to fees, further assures you peace of mind. We provide real world estimates of costs. We are upfront, in not only achieving the desired legal outcomes, but providing the most clear, affordable and value-based approach to finalising your matter.

We believe that all our clients should feel supported – our team are committed to being your expert partner through whatever lies ahead. We strive to understand your needs and are committed to delivering results. We look forward to working with you.


Founder of Banga Legal, Samir leads the team with a vision of being a truly 21st century firm. Samir’s experience is unparalleled having worked in both, big and small firms over the span of his career. Prior to starting Banga Legal, Samir has been at the head of his division at various firms, meaning real experience.

Samir prides himself on being a trusted, relatable and expert advisor to clients from all walks of life. Adapting swiftly to each client’s unique circumstances, Samir demonstrates flexibility and professionalism. He efficiently navigates through ongoing changes with a strategic and informed approach. His ability to make people feel at ease combined with his calm, capable approach means clients always feel informed and in control.

Samir specialises in both Criminal and Family Law which affords him a unique insight into the overwhelming overlap between the two jurisdictions.  Samir also leads in many complex litigation matters, including building construction.

As the Director of ‘Banga Legal’, Samir draws upon his years of industry experience and previous high-profile cases and applies this to his practice in a down to earth and straight-talking manner. With a client-centric approach to all aspects of law, Samir is passionate about achieving the best result possible.

Samir is a proud member of the Law Society of NSW and the Law Institute of Victoria. His experience crosses borders and is not limited to any geographic region.

At Banga Legal, we are instructed in various jurisdictions and act in a number of States around Australia. This is the experience and skill you need.


Matter Against RSPCA Victoria

In a 2022 matter, Samir defended a matter against the RSPCA Victoria prosecution relating to charges of animal cruelty, and in specific, s 9(1)(a) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (Vic). The hearing took place over a period of four days. The team at Banga Legal conducted comprehensive research and analysis to achieve the best possible outcome for our client. Expert witness evidence and vet reports were sought in the matter. The defence relied on the defences under s 11 of the POCTA Act and argued that the accused acted reasonably and reasonably omitted to do an act to defend himself against the threat of attack by the dog.

The had accused believed that there was a reasonable threat that the dog was about to/likely to attack him as the dog was a dangerous dog. Section 34A of the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (Vic) provides that a dog is dangerous if the dog is kept, or at any time has been kept, as a guard dog for the of guarding non-residential premises; or the dog, at any time, has been trained to attack or bite any person or anything when attached to or worn by a person. In the case of Hollan v Crisafulli [1999] 2 Qd R 249, dogs were classified into three group; general dogs, prescribed dogs, such as greyhounds, whose entire breed are deemed dangerous, and dangerous dogs, who are determined to be dangerous on a case to case basis by the relevant authorities. According to the Court in Hollan, a dog’s classification as ‘dangerous’ or ‘ferocious’ pertains to its nature or temperament. This example supports the idea that dogs are dangerous if they have a tendency to bite, attack, damage, or kill either a human or another animal, regardless of the size, tameness, or even wildness of the victimised animal, and regardless of the dog’s propensity to chase smaller animals more often. In 2019, the RSPCA themselves have also backed a ‘deed-not-breed’ approach to judging dogs and other animals and the RSPCA’s head of operations at the time, Tegan McPherson affirmed that “Breed alone isn’t a reliable predictor of aggressive behaviour. It can be influenced by genetics, learning experiences and training and its environment.”

Queensland Sports and Criminal Law Matter

In a Queensland matter, Samir worked on a matter including a high profile NRL client. The client was charged with s 339, assault occasioning bodily harm, of the Criminal Code Act (Qld). Whilst the entire material act was recorded on CCTV, the proceedings lasted several days. The evidence of many witnesses had to be thoroughly tested to help glean the circumstantial truth of the matter. Furthermore media interests had to be maintained before and after the proceeding to protect the interest of the client and his employing team.

Despite a vigorous approach from the prosecution, the client successfully received a non-conviction result, meaning that their criminal record remains clear, just as it were before the occurrence of the incident.

AHPRA Defence Medical Professionals

Over the COVID-19 period, and as a result of the impacts and remarks left by the pandemic, Samir assisted many medical professionals, particularly chiropractors and other allied health professionals, in vaccinations related matters. This work was multi-faceted with grass roots 1 on 1 service such as managing covid safe plans, dealing directly with AHPRA and in many circumstances keeping practitioners working and successfully resisting closures and prosecutions throughout the pandemic. Matters of this type were handled at all possibly stages with some victories being preventive and others being won on appeal.

For strategy, Samir collaborated with various other legal minds to find the best way forward for clients impacted by the significant changes in the health sector during the pandemic. On a policy level, the team at Banga Legal wrote to various medical boards across the states on behalf of their client’s rights as well as briefing large groups on best practice for navigating this perilous times for allied health businesses.

Through this work the Samir has cultivated a playbook on how to deal with the various government entities engaged in enforcement within this sphere.

Influential Employment Law Matter

In an employment law related matter that Samir was engaged in, despite a client spending thousands of dollars on medical expenses, including seeing specialists and medication, they faced an unfair dismissal at the hands of their employer due to their vaccination status, despite having a valid medical exemption and clear health complications and risks. The first dose of Pfizer caused adverse reaction to our client, result in him suffering from a severe spinal injury and osteoarthritis. Regardless of this our client was considering on taking another dose of the vaccine that had the potential of causing him further complication and even lead to death, simply to comply with the vaccine requirements so he can return to work and no longer deal with the alleged “disciplinary process”. Samir was able to successfully manage the client’s emotions of stress and anxiety due to the situation which was affecting his mental health as well as his relationships.

The team has allowed our client to weather a long, hard and highly litigious legal proceeding whilst seeking to reduce the emotional and financial cost for the client every step of the way.


Main Areas

  • Criminal Law
  • Sports Law
  • Discrimination
  • Medical/AHPRA Defence
  • Negotiation
  • Conciliation
  • Arbitration
  • Human Rights

Secondary Areas

  • Defamation
  • Family Law
  • Commercial Law
Why Choose Us

We Are Committed To Protecting What Matters Most

How are we different? We give you the “Big firm experience, in a boutique model”. Simply speaking, you get the best of both worlds, without the endless coin. Yes, we listen to you and we, like you, understand the value.

National Line

1300 33 72 92

Sydney Office

(02) 9152 8701

Melbourne Office

(03) 9101 8206​


Four Steps To Your Success

Banga Legal provides you the confidence of knowing that your guidance comes from the very best Sydney and Melbourne Lawyer. 


Speak To Us

Chat to us about how we can assist with your legal dilemmas. We pick up where the others cannot.


We will discuss your desired outcome and formulate the best way in helping acheieve the set goals.




This is where we will put the strategy in motion. Act on the formula and drive your matter to success, using both litigation and out of court alternatives were applicable.


When you walk away knowing that you obtained the best possible outcome for your case.